How to get DAAD Scholarship

DAAD Scholarship??!! What is this term? How is it related to German? What does it do? I know there are so many questions are there in our minds when we hear something like that. So now stop worrying because as usual I, Ishant Rathore at Germanacharya will answer all your questions.

So when we think of learning something new especially a new language, what do we do? We research a lot. We read blogs, articles, reviews and we have a lot of questions in our minds like what benefit will I get from this course? Does this course has any kind of scholarship and so on so forth. And it is every learner’s right to know about the course they desire to learn so the same is here with the German language course when we start learning German or we think to start learning German we should know about its scholarship courses and its career scope as well. So through this blog, I am going to tell you about the (LARGEST GERMAN SUPPORT ORGANISATION IN THE FIELD OF INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC CO-OPERATION) i.eDAAD [Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst].

What is DAAD?

It is the largest German support organization in the field of International Academic Co-operation founded in 1925, around 25 million scholars from Germany and other countries have received DAAD funding.

It provides scholarship courses to the students and helps them learn

German culture and advanced German language by sending them to

Germany for the course.

Aim of DAAD


Exchange endorses apprehension among countries and individuals and helps maintain peace.

The latest scientific discoveries allow us to encounter worldwide challenges.

Collaboration provides Political and Social advancement.


I was just graduated and applied for a Master’s in the German language from Delhi University and got selected and started studying there. I already knew about the DAAD scholarship but I didn’t have detailed information about its courses and about that, I came to know from one of my professors who are from Germany and teaching at Delhi University. He told me that it is too difficult to get selected for this scholarship because students from all over the world apply for its courses. I got scared and at first, I didn’t want to apply but then I thought I should try once. I have done a lot of things in this field and it can make my profile different from others. And with this thought, I applied for the scholarship course and prayed for it. Every day I had different thoughts in my mind like…

Will they select my profile?

If yes then why?

Others might have better profiles than mine. These thoughts made me sad but there was a little hope somewhere and I waited for the result eagerly.

And one day I received the result and you know what?

I’ve got the scholarship and you won’t believe at that time my face was beaming.

I got the certificate and also the expense for the complete course.

This was the Hochshulsommerkurse in Deutschland für ausländiche Studierende.


This program helps students boost their knowledge of the German language and the culture of the country.


-Both bachelor’s and master’s students can apply to this course.

-Bachelor students must have completed at least two academic years at the start of the scholarship period.


-The courses are for 18 days (Max. 5 days per week, excluding days of arrival and departure. They give a minimum of 25 hours of teaching a week.

-The grants are non-renewable.

-The courses usually take place in the period from June to November.


The programme funds attendance of language and area studies courses as well as special language/terminology courses that are offered by state or state-recognized German universities and by affiliated language schools.

-You can find out about course providers and programmes on the DAAD website under:

-The courses are taught completely in German.


A selection committee evaluates applications.

Major things are required for the selection:

-previous academic achievements.

-letter of motivation.

These are the pieces of information about the DAAD summer course scholarship.

The DAAD scholarship will work like marshmallows on your donut. This means the DAAD scholarship can make your German career better. You can only apply to this course when you are at least B1 certified from Goethe Institute.

Germanacharya provides different online German learning courses like Private sessions, Group sessions, Crash courses, Goethe’s exam training, telc exam training, and so on. There are so many institutes that provide these courses and make you believe that they’ll help with the same. But can you believe someone who has not achieved the Scholarship will help you achieve it?

Believe in the person who has achieved it and now will guide you and make you achieve that scholarship by his own experience and different ideas. So work smart and become a DAAD scholarship holder. So if you want to become a DAAD scholarship holder then register yourself at Germanacharya and choose your desired course. We’ll help you achieve your goals. You are just a click away from becoming a scholarship holder.

Just register now and become a part of Germanacharya.

Germanacharya makes learning easy peasy with its astonishing tactics.

Visit and register yourself now!!!

Ishant Rathore, Germanacharya


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